浏览: 日期:2019-06-15
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劳滕地区的社区在经济支持方面是独立的。农业在他们的福祉和生活水平中占有重要的地位。由于他们如此严重地依赖农业,劳特姆居民要求农业尽可能可持续,但由于该地区极端的天气条件,这是东帝汶人民必须解决的问题(Engineer Without Borders, 2012). 。大约100万人定居在劳滕地区。由于该地区的水资源非常有限,农业在日常生活中扮演着重要的角色,大部分稀缺的水供应都用于农业目的。大多数供水是不卫生的,并导致消费者感染病毒或致命疾病。从这些方面出发,我们注意到了Lautem人的生活方式标准,集水系统的概念设计。
Figure 1: Map of the District of Lautem in Timor.(图略)
X.1: Living Conditions
There is a very poor living standard in the Lautem District. In 2013, the United Nations (UN) ranked Timor-Leste 134th in the Human Development Index (HDI) out of 186 countries, which categorises Timor as a low human development country. With a low HDI ranking, Timor is said to be one of Asia’s poorest countries.
Water conditions in Lautem lack sanitation and protected water sources. Red Cross Australia states that around 30% of the population goes without access to clean water, while 59% have not experienced any improvements in their water conditions. With this severe statistic, 46% of infants are considered underweight due to undernourishment. Factors that affect the availability of clean water are the distance from the Lautem district to the main cities in Timor such as where most of the population and
importance is concentrated at a particular place. Mothers and infants are required to travel large distances to fill up buckets of water at a regular basis to keep the family functioning normally. The travelling can become dangerous as there are potential looters approached along the way, as well as the amount of time to travel to and from a water source.
Table 1: Pathogens detected in water supplies around Timor.(图略)
Table 1 was piled together by the World Health Organisation indicating the level of significance of pathogens and viruses identified in typical Timor water sources. The majority of pathogens have high health significance along with many other bacteria. These pathogens are known to carry diseases such as gastroenteritis, severe diarrhorea that could be fatal, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E. Malnutrition of infants could have initiated from drinking unclean water, which lead to having a diarrhoea based disease which inhibits absorption of nutrients from the breakdown of food. Fauna and flora could be affected negatively by the consumption of the infected water supplies.
Figure 2: Percentage of children under the age of 5 with diarrhorea (2000-2006).(图略)
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has investigated the amount of children under the age of 5 with diarrhoeal diseases in developing countries. Figure 2 displays that developing countries have 38% of children being diagnosed with diarrhoeal disease, which indicates that diarrhoea is a serious problem around the area.
Due to these living standards experienced at a daily by the people of Timor, implementing a drainage system for households will be an innovative concept as the need of clean water is vital, yet the use for water for agriculture has become so important that there is little to no water left for the people to use for other activities such as bathing and human consumption. UNICEF states that the improvement of hygiene and sources of drinking water will assist with decreasing the cause of child death.