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浏览: 日期:2019-06-15

Topic: Difference of teenager mental characteristic under examination-oriented education and western elite education
 Abstract: This paper first explores the influence of exam-oriented education and elite education to teenager mental characteristic for their inherent essence. Mental characteristic is reflected by capacity, temperament and character. Then paper elaborates the difference capacity, temperament and character of teenager under examination-oriented education and western elite education. Finally, from compare of those two educations, it is suggested that the advantages of both two education should be applied into education system so that more and more excellent teenager can be nurtured and developed.
Introduction: For the different development requirement between western country and China, entirely education modules are carried out. There are many education existing in China and western country, but there are two main education module deployed. The one is examination education for China, the other is elite education for western country. Examination education is …….(你要稳书黎讲咩系应试教育,黎个解释系作为引用)。For western country, elite education is the optional choice for their education system. Elite education is…….(你要稳书黎讲咩系精英教育,黎个解释作为引用)。 Without doubt, teenager mental characteristics are quite different under those two educations.  200
1. From Chinese ancient Imperial examination system to modern college entrance system, examination-oriented education takes the main position in selecting elite for country and makes great contribution to maintain the running of education system. Examination education carried out in China guarantees the knowledge to be transmitted to next generation with great amount typical practice. Teenager receives the comprehensive knowledge from the books that is selected by many former generations. They do not need to pay more attention to considerate or think twice about the knowledge they receive. The motive of teenager is simple for passing the examination with more effort repeat memorizes the knowledge from book. The examination-oriented education conducts its responsibility in China while the western elite education carried out in western country encourages teenager to choose the subject they are interested in and sacrifices the other kind of knowledge to develop the field they are focus on.
1.1  由于中国主要采取应试教育,目的性强,方法单一,以最稳定和传统方式传授学问。在这种形式的教育之下,中国孩子就以分数作为唯一衡量能力标准,导致孩子想 法单一,做事方式死板,并不能完全享受学习的乐趣,容易出现浮躁心态,但目标明确,目的性强,心理韧性强度大,学习知识全面,保证个人对世界基本认识,并 保证每个个体发展能力质量。(翻译这段话,如果能够找到相关资料,就引用。这样就省很多功夫)  200
1.2  西方教育主要采用精英教育,没有强调整体青少年能力均衡,强调个性发展,更加着重个人发挥,但不能保证整体水平素质,只有精英越来越优秀,而平庸的越来越 平庸。孩子在接受这种精英教育下,更加自主选择自己愿意学习,以兴趣为先导,孩子更乐意享受学习过程,心理单方面认知能力强,操作能力相对较强,但不能保 证整体能够学习各方面知识,个人全面发展不平衡,而且由于精英越强,平庸越弱心态,导致孩子心理形成阶级,甚至形成障碍。(翻译这段话,如果能找到相关资 料,就引用,省很多时间。)200
2. Capacity is a mental characteristic that people complete an activity successfully. For the influence of two educations, the capacity of teenagers is quite different.
2.1 Teenager capacity under examination-oriented education.
(此段提示:应试教育下孩子目标明确,目的性强,心理韧性强度大,学习知识全面,保证个人对世界基本认识,并保证每个个体发展能力质量,而精英教育下心理 单方面认知能力强,操作能力相对较强,但不能保证整体能够学习各方面知识,个人全面发展不平衡,而且由于精英越强,平庸越弱心态,导致孩子心理形成阶级, 甚至形成障碍。你稳资料证明黎句野。)。250
2.2 Teenager capacity under elite education.
Obviously, superior education is focus on individual development and improvement of capacity. The core notion of curriculum in education embodies the essence of superior education. The core notion takes elite development to the first place with long-term and profound program. The main of purpose of curriculum is to nurture and develop critical thinking capability by different subjects. Critical thinking capability plays an important role in developing teenager realizations to knowledge with requiring teenager improve capacity in introspection of building knowledge. With this main purpose, the elite can deploy further study in field or topic they show great interesting, thence, their self-directed study capacity and thinking capacity in complicated, abstract and advanced consideration are improved. They will pay more attention in exploitative mission and potential study skill and methods. Take the Cambridge University as an example. 剑桥大学的学术渊源是古希腊强调理性训练和人格塑造的自由教育思想, 其核心内容是强调获取知识发展智慧, 是教育的唯一和最高目的, 反对教育有其它功利主义目的和为某种职业做准备。在教学目标上, 强调发展智力重于获得知识; 在课程和专业设置上, 强调教育目的的内在性, 追求知识本身的价值, 反对教育外在的功目的, 重视学术性专业与课程; 在教学内容上, 以培养知识面宽的博学精英而不是某一领域的专门人才作为确定内容的标准; 在教育目的上,强调自发原则, 鼓励学生独立思考、大胆质疑, 重视批判性和创造性思考能力的培养等。在这种办学理念引导下, 剑桥大学形成注重学术与自由、重视知识内在价值, 强调发挥个人才智和潜力的传统。不同学科能够按照内在逻辑发展, 能够相互贯通、结合、渗透, 因而使得剑桥教师的学术造诣、学术素养、学术意识, 剑桥学生的理论基础、知识体系、思维模式等都超越其他学校之上。(翻译成英文,可以作为引用部分。从理念变化和模式改革看西方精英教育)。

3. The temperament, basically, are categorized into four types: lively type, non-suppress type, quiet type, suppress type. For the essence of two educations, the temperament of teenagers is different.
3.1  Teenager temperament under examination-oriented education.由于应试教育压力大,采取高压高量方式索造人才,孩子易于偏向安静型,更有可能出现抑制型。(先翻译这句话,然后稳例子引用证明哩句 话)  200
3.2  Teenager temperament under elite education. 而精英教育鼓励孩子自觉,自立,自决,学习空间弹性大,孩子气质偏向不可抑制型,甚至活泼型。(先翻译这句话,然后稳例子引用证明哩句话) 200

4. Teenager character under two educations.
4.1 Teenager character under examination-oriented education. 应试教育下孩子想法单一,做事方式死板,并不能完全享受学习的乐趣,容易出现浮躁心态,孩子不能全面客观看待事物,容易形成偏激。(先翻译这句话,然后稳 例子引用证明哩句话) 200
4.2 Teenager character under elite education 精英教育下更加自主选择自己愿意学习,以兴趣为先导,孩子更乐意享受学习过程。 (先翻译这句话,然后稳例子引用证明哩句话) 200

5. Measures to balance and perfect the mental characteristic of teenager from two educations. 从以上论述, 通过描写两种教育方式下孩子心理特征的不同,给予人们思考的空间,让人们深刻地反思两种教育方式优缺点,让我们必须客观,冷静,务实地看待这两种教育模 式。这篇论文能够给予人们启迪。让广大的教育工作者和政策决策者思考如何保证孩子的心理特征朝着健康,积极,向上的方向发展。翻译这句话 150
5.1 The education worker should conduct their obligation to maintain positive teenager mental characteristic with fully understanding to two educations.    150-200 (稳例子引用)
5.2 The education system should be adjusted to nurturing teenager mental health with applying the advantages of both two educations.  150-200(稳例子引用)
5.3 The teenagers should learn to improve their mental health with understanding two educations. 150-200 (稳例子引用)
 6. Conclusion. 300-350.
