浏览: 日期:2019-06-15
The module aims to provide students with a sound theoretical and practical understanding of the principal areas of company financial management. Students are expected to adopt a critical approach to the analysis of theoretical concepts.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module students will have achieved the following:
1. An understanding of the fundamental theoretical concepts of company finance.
2. The ability to apply numerical techniques to corporate finance代写 situations.
3. An appreciation of the relevance of corporate finance principles to day-to-day financial management.
Learning Process:
The module is delivered by means of weekly lectures and seminars. Seminar questions usually deal with miniature case studies covering the subject matter of the previous lecture. In this way, students gain experience of the practical applications of the theory of corporate finance. Students are expected to tackle the case study prior to the seminar and to be prepared to participate in seminar discussions.
The foregoing teaching strategy is designed to give the students proficiency in the technical and computational aspects, which are fundamental to competence in this subject.
Assessment Method:
The coursework, amounting to 50% each of the total marks is designed to give students the opportunity to critically review the process of a major corporate finance decision applicable to real life scenarios.
List of topics (subject to change):
The Finance Function |
An Overview of Investment Appraisal Techniques |
Capital Market Efficiency |
Sources of Short Term Finance |
Sources of Long Term Finance |
Cost of Capital |
Capital Structure |
Dividend Policy |
Capital Asset Pricing |
Managing Working Capital |
Core Text:
Watson, D. and Head A “Corporate Finance - Principles and Practice” (FT Pitman 5th Ed 2010)
Peter Atrill “Financial Management for Decision Makers” (FT Prentice Hall 6th Ed 2012)
Hillier, D., Ross, S., Westerfield, R. “Corporate Finance” McGraw Hill (2010) Jaffe, J. and Jordan, B.
Supplementary Reading:
Arnold, G. “Corporate Financial Management” (FT Pitman 3rd Ed 2005)
McLaney, E. J. "Business Finance for Decision Makers" (FT Prentice Hall 7th Ed. 2005)
The University requires students to adhere to submission deadlines for any form of assessment. A penalty will be applied in relation to unauthorised late submission of work.
Authorisation of the late submission of work requires written permission. There is an extension form that needs to be completed, available from the Student Office. This form needs to be signed by the module tutor and the Division Leader with responsibility for the module if the Division leader is not available then the form can be signed by the appropriate Associate Director. It is your responsibility to get the form signed which will give you permission for one extension period of between 1 and 10 working days where evidence of circumstances has been accepted and where submission within this timescale would be reasonable taking into account those circumstances.
The University operates a universal penalty scale for unauthorised late submission of any form of assessed work. Students who submit work within 5 working days after the published submission date without an authorised extension will obtain a maximum mark of 40% for that element of assessment.
All work submitted later than 5 working days after the published submission date will be awarded a mark of 0%.
Students who are unable to submit work within 10 working days after the submission date due to verifiable extenuating circumstances which are serious and exceptional, may submit a case for consideration in accordance with the University’s Extenuating Circumstances Procedure.
The University operates a universal scheme for the submission of extenuating circumstances. If you feel that you have extenuating circumstances then you need to obtain a special envelope marked "Extenuating Circumstances" from the Student Office. This contains a form which asks for details of the course, the year of study, the name of the student, the name of the course leader and identifies the modules affected. (This includes modules internal and external to the School).
You must attach relevant documentary evidence such as medical certificates. The completed form and envelope are then returned to the Student Office.
Note: disability or learning difficulty does not constitute an extenuating circumstance
The University regards any use of unfair means in an attempt to enhance performance or to influence the standard of award obtained as a serious academic and disciplinary offence.
Unfair means includes all forms of cheating, plagiarism and collusion. Students are required to sign a declaration indicating that individual work submitted for assessment is their own.
All instances or allegations of the use of unfair means will be investigated under the procedure detailed in Appendix 10 of the Academic Regulations.
It is therefore essential that you acknowledge an author's work that you may have used to support an argument in any of your assignments.
Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating that the University is concerned about. All work that is submitted for assessment must be genuinely your own work and not the result of plagiarism. You sign to this effect on each cover sheet submitted with your assignments. If you are quoting actual words from a published or unpublished text you must use quotation marks and cite your source. In order to avoid accusations of plagiarism you should use the Harvard Referencing System. This will ensure that there is no ambiguity.
You must also not pass work off as the result of your individual efforts, if you have in fact colluded with other students to prepare the piece of work jointly, or you have copied each other’s work. Clearly, it is also wrong to copy another student’s work without them knowing about it.
You are advised to read the extract on this subject in the University Regulations. If you have any doubts on this important matter, you are advised to speak with the module tutor or Course Leader.