浏览: 日期:2019-06-15
Master of Science
TITLE HRM: Resourcing, Performance and Assessment
(Important: Answers that go beyond the 2500 word limit will gain no additional marks for any words over this strict limit essay代写).
1. Critically evaluate the contribution of Assessment centres to the development of the psychological contract between newcomer employees and the organization. Also, compare and contrast different views that selection methods solely perform ‘predictivist’ objectives versus the view that selection methods can also serve the development of a ‘viable psychological contract’ between the individual and the organization.
In your answer, consider how Assessment centres may influence the development of the psychological contract. Give introductory and descriptive comments to introduce this particular selection method and then justify the importance of including different methods. Define and explain what is meant by the term the ‘psychological contract’. Be careful to define the difference between the ‘predictive’ approach to selection and the more ‘subjective’ perspective that the process can aid in the formation of the pre-entry psychological contract.
You are expected to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding regarding selection methods and its implications for the development of the psychological contract. In addition, you are also expected to demonstrate your analytical skills by discussing critically and evaluating selection methods through predictive and subjective perspectives. This means examining, arguing and presenting various sides of the debate, critically analyzing their claims, and forming your own conclusion on this subject.
You are advised to research the literature beyond just textbooks and textbook chapters, to include relevant journal articles in order to answer the question.
When attempting to answer this question, it may be advisable to break it down and assess what is actually required in each part.
2. Describe and evaluate two methods of socialization for newcomer staff members. Describe the different approaches, and in your answer, consider also the evidence published that evaluates the effectiveness of different methods within HRM of newcomer induction, assimilation, and acculturation as demonstrated by research into their validity and efficacy.
The focal point for your answer should be the topic of organization socialization – also referred to in the literature as newcomer induction, assimilation, and acculturation, among other terms you will be able to explain in your answer.
Layout the different methods of socialization, and critically evaluate any empirical research attesting to their validity, reliability, and fairness. Your answer should be able to derive practical recommendations for the use of different methods of organization socialization in different circumstances for organizations who are employing newcomer staff members.
You are expected to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding regarding socialization of newcomer. In addition, you are also expected to demonstrate your analytical skills by discussing critically different socialization methods and their effectiveness regarding performance outcomes and other indicators. This means examining, arguing and presenting various sides of the debate, critically analyzing their claims, and forming your own conclusion on this subject.
You are advised to research the literature beyond just textbooks and textbook chapters, to include relevant journal articles in order to answer the question.
When attempting to answer this question, it may be advisable to break it down and assess what is actually required in each part.
3. Discuss and critically evaluate the value of HRM policies and practices to organizational performance. Consider in your answer at least two of three levels-of-analysis in performance – the organization as a whole, work teams, and individual work role performance. Evaluate key aspects of the ongoing debate over the value of HRM policies and practices based on how robust is the research base supporting the added value of HRM policies and methods to performance outcomes at different levels-of-analysis.
An on-going and as yet unresolved debate in the HRM literature has been the attempt to quantify the contribution of HRM policies and methods to the performance of, and in, organizations. This central question – the added value of HRM – should be answered in relation to HRM policies (ie. Strategy, and broader approaches more generally) and HRM methods (techniques, tools, and routine operations in HRM). It should also be answered at two or more levels-of-analysis: organizational performance overall, work teams performance, and/or individual work role performance.
You are expected to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the different sets of policies, practices and processes that constitute HRM. In addition, you are also expected to demonstrate your analytical skills by discussing critically the potential contributions and challenges of HRM to performance outcomes of, and in, organizations. This means examining, arguing and presenting various sides of the debate, critically analyzing their claims, and forming your own conclusion on this subject.
You are advised to research the literature beyond just textbooks and textbook chapters, to include relevant journal articles in order to answer the question.
When attempting to answer this question, it may be advisable to break it down and assess what is actually required in each part.Marking scheme:
Unsubstantiated conclusions.