



代写英国作业Research Report案例片段part3

浏览: 日期:2019-06-14

3.0 Description of top-level management

Together with 13 independent directors, Bank of Montreal's Board of Directors has set up the standards for directors.  William, one management director, called President and CEO. Others are J. Robert S. Prichard (Chairman of the Board), George A. Cope, Robert M. Astley, Jan Babiak, Sophie Brochu, Christine A. Edwards, Ronald H. Farmer, Eric R. La Flèche, Don M. Wilson III Philip S. Orsino, Martha C. Piper, Guylaine Saucier and Bruce H. Mitchell. Downe, the one who is responsible for the overall leadership, and vision of BMO Financial Group is regarded as CEO. Thomas Flynn,who is the Chief Financial Officer of the BMO, take charge of the financial report of Financial Group, financial tactics, and financial planning and public purse management. 

4.0 Financial overview

In this part, it will make a full analysis of the financial performance of BMO in four aspects.

4.1 Leverage Ratio.

The total sum of all the items excluding some special items can be defined as leverage ratio, which is considered as Tier 1 capital.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has proposed 3% minimum Leverage Ratio. It will be applied to analysis within a test season that would last for four years.  There could be subsequent adjustments which will base on the results of the parallel run testing, resulting in the implementation of final Leverage Ratio requirement on January 1, 2018.

Based on the regulated statistics, RWA would increase by about .5 billion from 8.7 billion to 6.2 billion at October 31, 2011, and Basel III lowest requirements are still below the BMO’s Leverage Ratio (i.e. 3 so far) (see Appendix Table 1).
