浏览: 日期:2019-06-14
Module Aims
The module aims to provide students with a fast track introduction to the subject of tourism and explore major issues and practice in the context of the rapid growth of international tourism as a major economic and global activity. The module will focus on a number of key themes and critically examine the response of tourism managers in the private and public sectors to contemporary and future global challenges to enable them to debate key issues affecting the present day tourism sector.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
Investigate the changing nature of demand for international tourism and identify the key challenges which this presents for product development and destination marketing.
Explore the challenges presented by the growth and development of international tourism in relation to changes in the global economy and environment.
Examine the response of public and private sector tourism agencies and businesses in meeting the requirements of 21st Century tourism.
Changes in Relation to Previous Year
Following a minor change the number of oral presentations has been reduced from two to one and the 10% attendance contribution has been dropped from the module to reflect current practice across the School. This means that there will now be a more substantive group oral presentation contributing 20% of the marks. ‘International’ has been added to the title to reflect the international content of the module.
Development of Employability Skills
The module delivery and assessment activities are underpinned by ensuring that the UCLan employability skills are embedded in the module. The skills have been informed by drawing
upon national occupational standards and extensive relationship with local, national and international employers.
For further information about the Employability Framework please go to the following link. http://www.uclan.ac.uk/information/uclan/employability/resources.php
Assessment Strategy and Submission Details
The module will be taught in fifteen 2-hour weekly workshops from 9-11am on Thursday mornings with a number of keynote presentations. The workshops will comprise a range of learning methods including lectures, seminars, presentations and student led discussion. The critical analysis of some current tourism theory and practice will lead to the development of skills necessary in the tourism professional.
Students will be expected to work on their own initiative in researching relevant texts, journals and electronic resources for the assignments and prepare class material in advance.
In addition the module tutor will be available for individual sessions to provide student support.
There will be three module assessments comprising a group presentation, report and case study.
Unauthorised Late Submission of Work
If you submit work late and unauthorised, a universal penalty will be applied in relation to your work:
· If you submit work within 5 working days following the published submission date you will obtain a maximum mark of 40% for that element of assessment.
· Work submitted later than 5 working days after the published submission date will be awarded a mark of 0%.
Unauthorised late submission at resubmission will automatically be awarded a mark of 0%.
Any uncollected assignments will be retained for the current academic year, but will be destroyed on 31 October.
Re-working Opportunity
If you have failed Assignment 1 then you have the option to attempt to ‘re-work’ it. This means that, on the basis of feedback provided, you make good the same piece of work to a pass standard. This must be submitted by 28 November 2013.
If you do not take up a re-working opportunity, then you may be offered a re-assessment following the formal Assessment Board at the end of the module. This will normally be a different piece of work.
Note that you cannot have a re-working opportunity and a re-assessment opportunity.
NOTE: You will not be entitled to a re-working opportunity if you:
A. Do not submit any work for the original assessment.
B. Submit the work 'late' (i.e. if the work is not submitted by the original deadline or by any subsequent deadline/extension formally authorised by the Module Leader).
Module Assignments
Assignment One: Group Presentation.
Working in Groups of no more than 4 take a tourist destination of your choice which attracts international tourists and, after a brief introduction of the destination, use the theories of tourism motivation and image to consider critically the main factors which could persuade tourists to visit the destination.
Assignment 1 Guidelines
The group should not consist of more than four members, although this may be adjusted in exceptional circumstances. Students should note that the performance of the group as a whole rather than an individual contribution is being assessed.
If a student or students feel that not all members of the team have contributed equally to the task they should inform the module tutor in confidence.
Marks will be awarded under the following headings:
Structure 20%
Structure of the presentation (introduction, main part, conclusion)
Content 50%
The first part of the presentation should briefly introduce the destination characteristics and its appeal to international tourists.
The main emphasis of the presentation should be to use the various theories of motivation and image to explain both the push and pull effects for tourists visiting the destination.
In conclusion you should indicate why many of these theories might not apply to modern day international tourists. This is what is meant by ‘consider critically’.
Delivery 30% (Clarity/ audibility)
English speaking ability
Appropriate style of delivery (language, aids used)
Interaction between the group and timing. (Giving appropriate weight to each part of the question).
Quality of visual media used.
Weighting: 20% of module assessment
Time limit: 20-25 minutes per group plus 5 minutes for questions. Students are advised to make use of all the time allotted.
A briefing for this assignment will be given on 3 October and the presentations will be held in class on 31 October. A mark sheet covering the key points of assessment will be given out to students during the briefing.
Assignment 2: Report
Consider the extent to which globalisation has affected tourism products and tourism businesses drawing upon examples from current destinations and business operations.
Assignment 2 Guidelines
Students will be expected to be aware of how the changing global economy is affecting international tourism demand and its effect on tourism products and businesses. The changing nature of marketing operations should also be considered.
This report provides the opportunity for students to undertake a literature search of a broad range of relevant tourism journals to discover the current thinking on the changing nature of the economics of tourism demand and its impact on products and marketing.
Case examples should be provided from tourism destinations and companies, where appropriate.
The word count should be stated at the end of the assignment. Any appropriate supporting material included in the Appendix will not be included in the word count.
Sources should be acknowledged and referenced according to the Harvard system where appropriate.
The word limit should not exceed 2,000 words. The word count must be stated on the assignment. Appropriate material contained in appendices will not count towards the word count.
Sources should be acknowledged and referenced according to the Harvard system where appropriate.
Weighting: 40% of Module Assessment
A Briefing for this Assignment will be given on 24 October. The report must submitted via Turnitin and a copy placed in the Assignment Box for TL 4019 in the Greenbank café by 9am on 12 December 2013. Feedback will be given on 16 January 2014.
Assignment 3 Case Study Essay
Using the Case study (on Blackboard) of tourism in rural Cyprus and with reference to other studies consider the practicality of the development of tourism in rural areas of Cyprus.
Assignment 3 Guidelines
Students should consider the following in answering this question:
The popularity and demand trends for rural tourism in island destinations.
The importance and means of implementation of sustainable tourism in rural tourism focussing on environmental, community and social aspects.
The ways in which the product quality might be improved.
Specific factors which relate to the Island of Cyprus such as geographical, political and
economic issues.
The assignment should be written in essay format with a logical link between different paragraphs and a clear introduction and conclusion.
A literature search of books and journals should be undertaken in order to answer this question.
The word limit should not exceed 2,000 words. The word count must be stated on the assignment. Appropriate material contained in appendices will not count towards the word count.
Sources should be acknowledged and referenced according to the Harvard system where appropriate.
Weighting: 40% of Module Assessment.
Reading List
There is no single course text for this module but the book on Tourism: Principles and Practice should be regarded as essential reading whereas the text by Holloway would be a useful introduction for any students who have not studied tourism before. The text by Stone and Sharpley is rather more advanced but with the standards required of Master’s students.
Cooper C., Fletcher J., Fyall, A. Gilbert, D. and Wanhill S., (2008) Tourism: Principles and Practice, Fourth Revised Edition, Harlow, Pearson Education Ltd.
Holloway, C. (2012) The Business of Tourism, Ninth Edition, Harlow, Pearson Education Ltd.
Page, S.J. (2011) Tourism Management: An Introduction, Fourth Edition,
Oxford: Butterworth Heinneman.
Stone, P and Sharpley, R. (2012) Contemporary tourist experience: concepts and consequences, London, Routledge
Additional Reading
Cooper, C. & Michael Hall, C. (2013) Contemporary Tourism: An International approach, Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers
Gössling S and Hall C M (2006) Tourism and Global Environmental Change Abingdon: Routledge
Middleton, V.T.C., Fyall, A. Morgan, M. And Ranchhod, A (2009) Marketing in Travel and Tourism, Fourth edition, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann
Mason, P. (2003) Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management, Oxford, Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann
Mowforth M. and Munt I., (2008) Tourism and Sustainability, Third edition, London: Routledge,
Page, S.J. and Connell, J. (2009) Tourism: A Modern Syntheses, Andover, Cendage Learning.
Pender, L. and Sharpley, R. (2005) The Management of Tourism, London: Sage
Pike, S. (2008) Destination Marketing: An Integrated Marketing Communication Approach, Oxford, Elsevier, Butterworth-Heineman
Reisanger, Y. (2009) International Tourism: Cultures and Behavior, Oxford, Elsevier, Butterworth-Heineman
Ryan, C. (2002) The Tourist Experience, Cengage Learning EMEA
Ryan, C. and Gu, H. (2009) Tourism in China, London: Routledge
Shaw, G. and Williams, A.M. (2002) Critical Issues in Tourism, Second edition, Oxford: Blackwell.
Theobald, W. (2005) Global Tourism, Third edition, Burlington, MA: Elsevier Science
Wall, G. and Mathieson, A. (2007) Tourism, Harlow: Prentice Hall
Yeoman, I. (2008) Tomorrow’s Tourist, Oxford, Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinneman