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MCS*1000网课代修 Introductory Marketing

浏览: 日期:2019-06-17

  MCS*1000网课代修 Introductory Marketing

  Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies

  Course Details

  Calendar Description

  This course covers the marketing of both products and services. Students will be introduced to the theoretical concepts through lectures and class discussions and have the opportunity to apply these concepts through case analysis and discussion.

  Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please contact the department for more information. This course may not be taken for credit subsequent to receiving credit in FARE*4370 or HTM*3080

  Learning Outcomes

  Course Learning Outcomes

  This course introduces you to the function and process of marketing in the firm. It includes analyzing, planning, and implementing the main programs involved in the marketing process. It covers an understanding of the forces and situations that affects the marketing function, as well as an understanding of the purchasing process of individuals and firms. The course also covers the basic tools that organizations use to understand consumer’s needs and wants. It makes special emphasis on the components of the marketing strategy, also known as marketing mix, which includes product, price, promotion, and place of products, services, and ideas designed to create and maintain value exchanges with target markets.

  By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Recognize the importance of marketing in firms and in society;

  2. Explain the marketing process and its components;

  3. Describe the role of social responsibility and ethics in the marketing contexts;

  4. Apply marketing concepts and tools across a broad spectrum of situations, including small and large firms as well as profit and not-profit organizations;

  5. Develop and produce basic organization marketing plans and activities of products and services; and

  6. Apply and analyze marketing strategies and tactics within a simulated environment.

  Teaching and Learning Activities

  Method of Learning

  In order to accomplish the learning outcomes of this course, you will be exposed to a variety of instructional strategies, which include reading, group discussions, an online simulation, and reflective reports writing.

  On a weekly basis, you are required to read assigned chapters of the textbook and interactive eBook. Thereafter, you will individually interact with the eBook and respond to quiz questions. There is one practice and 10 weekly online graded quizzes in this course.

  On a biweekly basis, after watching short videos, you should participate in asynchronous discussions that are directed towards solving marketing problems. Discussions in an online learning environment facilitate student’s involvement in high-level engagement, reflective exercises, and critical thinking, and will provide you with a chance to share your understanding of topic/tasks and experience with other learners. The discussions should enhance your ability to analyze and discuss how the video

  content connects to study materials and the learning outcomes before writing your final group report.

  Course Structure

  This course has been organized into twelve units:

  • Unit 01: The Marketing Process

  • Unit 02: The Marketing Concept

  • Unit 03: Understanding Buying Behaviour

  • Unit 04: Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning

  • Unit 05: Company, Marketing, and New Product Strategy

  • Unit 06: Managing Products and Services

  • Unit 07: Pricing

  • Unit 08: Promotion Mix

  • Unit 09: Personal Selling

  • Unit 10: Marketing Channels

  • Unit 11: Marketing Research

  • Unit 12: Marketing Context: Business Environment, Ethics and Social Responsibility


  The grade determination for this course is indicated in the following table. A brief description of each assessment is provided below. Select Content on the navbar to locate Assessments in the table of contents panel to review further details of each assessment. Due dates can be found under the Schedule heading of this outline.

  Assessment Descriptions

  Video Discussions

  You are presented with interview videos of marketing professionals across the course units. The objective of this activity is for you to analyze marketing concepts and tools across a broad spectrum of situations; including small and large firms as well as profit and not-profit organizations. For each of the video presentations, at least one question that requires your response is asked. You should discuss the question(s) with your group members within the timeframe and, as a group, you should submit a one-page summary of the group’s responses.

  Online Simulation

  The online simulation tasks should help you develop the skills required to improve performance in the marketing business. You will engage in six quarters of decision-making within the online marketing simulation environment. Please note that you are competing with group members in the global market of personal computers.

  Weekly Connect Quizzes

  There is 1 practice quiz and 10 graded weekly quizzes in this course. The quizzes use the adaptive tool LearnSmart included in Connect. You may complete each of the quizzes at your own pace. However, you are expected to complete the weekly quizzes by the due date. In each of the quizzes, the Connect adaptive tool will automatically give you the feedback regarding your performance and direct you to the course content you require further learning and clarifications in order to improve your performance.

  Signed Group Contract

  The idea of this assignment is to help you organize your group work. Once the groups are formed, you should contact your peers and meet (face to face or online) to discuss the rules you all are going to follow to function as a group. This assignment has no right or wrong answer. Every participating group members will have full marks. What is important is for you to decide with your group the rules you will be following, sign it and submit it.

  Research Component (Bonus)

  Students who wish to earn up to an additional 2% towards their final grade in this course are encouraged to participate in research studies through a platform called SONA. This will be administrated by the Department of Marketing & Consumer Studies. Watch Announcements on the course home page for further details.

  Final Exam

  This course requires you to write a traditional sit-down final exam. Final exams are written on campus at the University of Guelph or at alternate locations for students at a distance. The final exam will cover material from the entire course and may include multiple choice, true/false and fill in the blank style questions. You must pass the final exam in order to pass this course.

  It is assumed that all DE students will be writing their final examination on campus at the University of Guelph. University of Guelph degree and associate diploma students must check WebAdvisor for their examination schedule. Open Learning program students must check the Open Learning Program Final Examination Schedule for their examination schedule.

  If you are studying at a distance, you can request to write your final exam at an alternate location. It is recommended that you make arrangements as early as possible in the semester since changes cannot be guaranteed after the deadline. Exam

  Course Technologies and Technical Support

  CourseLink System Requirements

  You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets the necessary system requirements. Use the browser check tool to ensure your browser settings are compatible and up to date. (Results will be displayed in a new browser window).

  Technical Skills

  As part of your online experience, you are expected to use a variety of technology as part of your learning:

  • Manage files and folders on your computer (e.g., save, name, copy, backup, rename, delete, and check properties);

  • Install software, security, and virus protection;

  • Use office applications (e.g., Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or similar) to create documents;

  • Be comfortable uploading and downloading saved files;

  • Communicate using email (e.g., create, receive, reply, print, send, download, and open attachments);

  • Navigate the CourseLink learning environment and use the essential tools, such as Dropbox, Discussions, and Grades (the instructions for this are given in your course);

  • Access, navigate, and search the Internet using a web browser (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer); and

  • Perform online research using various search engines (e.g., Google) and library databases.

  Communicating with Your Instructor

  During the course, your instructor will interact with you on various course matters on the course website using the following ways of communication:

  • Announcements: The instructor will use Announcements on the Course Home page to provide you with course reminders and updates. Please check this section frequently for course updates from your instructor.

  • Ask Your Instructor Discussion: Use this discussion forum to ask questions of your instructor about content or course-related issues with which you are unfamiliar. If you encounter difficulties, the instructor is here to help you. Please post general course-related questions to the discussion forum so that all students have an opportunity to review the response. To access this discussion forum, select Discussions from the Tools dropdown menu.

  • Email: If you have a conflict that prevents you from completing course requirements, or have a question concerning a personal matter, you can send your instructor a private message by email. The instructor will respond to your email within 24 to 48 hours.

  Netiquette Expectations

  For distance education courses, the course website is considered the classroom and the same protections, expectations, guidelines, and regulations used in face-to-face settings apply, plus other policies and considerations that come into play specifically because these courses are online.

  Inappropriate online behaviour will not be tolerated. Examples of inappropriate online behaviour include:

  • Posting inflammatory messages about your instructor or fellow students;

  • Using obscene or offensive language online;

  • Copying or presenting someone else's work as your own;

  • Adapting information from the Internet without using proper citations or references;

  • Buying or selling term papers or assignments;

  • Posting or selling course materials to course notes websites;

  • Having someone else complete your quiz or completing a quiz for/with another student;

  • Stating false claims about lost quiz answers or other assignment submissions;

  • Threatening or harassing a student or instructor online;

  • Discriminating against fellow students, instructors, and/or TAs;

  • Using the course website to promote profit-driven products or services;

  • Attempting to compromise the security or functionality of the learning management system; and

  • Sharing your username and password.
