浏览: 日期:2019-06-17
Business Plan怎么写?昨天我们聊了一下business plan模板的上半部分,今天我们来聊一下下半部分。
Section 8.
This section should refer to the production of one unit and costs should include labour, energy, time and raw materials (where these are appropriate).
You can then need to work out and identify a selling price bearing in mind any possible discounts, wastage and delivery costs. It is important that a final selling price is not determined until completion of extensive Market Research on competitors current prices.
Section 9.
SWOT – this is where you identify your Strengths and Weaknesses as well as Opportunities and Threats that are seen inside and outside the company.
The objective here is not just to list the information but to say how you would work towards turning your Weaknesses into Strengths and how to exploit Opportunities and minimise the Threats.
1. The internal environment e.g. staff (or internal customers), office technology, wages and finance, etc.
2. The micro-environment e.g. your external customers, agents and distributors, suppliers, your competitors, etc.
3. The macro-environment e.g. Political (and legal) forces, Economic forces, Sociocultural forces, and Technological forces. These are known as
Section 10.
This is an important section as sometimes ideas are not as cut and dry as at the time they were first thought of.
Consider questions such as if targets are not met what would you do?
Would you redesign your products or menus etc.
Questions to ask yourself:
How will you measure your performance?
What is your fall back plan?
Section 11.
Identify you requirements for start-up and for future needs once the business is up and running.
This is where you can also identify what is needed for start-up and what you feel your staff would benefit from in the future.
List future training plans of your staff in order of importance.
Look to see if there is funding available form any of the Enterprise Agencies
Questions to ask yourself:
How will you advertise for staff?
Where will you recruit your staff from?
Can you compile a detailed job description for each role in your business?
Section 12.
Identify your start-up costs
List any resources you already own and are providing to the business, eg, computer, car for deliveries etc.
Questions to ask yourself:
What have I got available to put in the business?
What can you easily get your hands on to help the business?
Section 13.
Sources of funding should be identified, eg.
· Bank
· Own funds
· Graduate bursaries
· Family Loan
· Other
Where to look:
Grants - free cash
Family/friends - favourable/good rate of interest
Other investors – might want to be involved in the running of the business
Loan – enterprise agencies may have cheaper interest rates
Banks – charge full commercial rates
Section 14.
You should list what you spend on yourself on a monthly basis. For example:
· Rent
· Food
· Clothes
· Going out and other entertainment
· Mobile phone
· Gas, electricity
· Etc.
Questions to ask yourself:
What amount of cash do I need to withdraw from the business to meet my monthly personal expenditure?
Section 15.
Here is your chance to re-affirm why you think the business will be a success and how you intend on making it successful.
Questions to ask yourself:
What is your own analysis of the business idea?
Section 16.
The cashflow forecast is an integral part of your business plan and will identify the funding requirements of your business.
You should include a list of assumptions used in the preparation of all of your financial statements. All of the statements will need to cover a three year period.
The other statements will be:
Profit and loss accounts
Balance sheets
Ratios showing how the business will progress can also be identified and calculated along with the break-even sales figures for each of the three years.
See the financial statements template in Blackboard
Questions to ask yourself:
What assumptions need to be made about the expenditure items?
Section 17.
Appendices may include:
· Proprietor/partner/director CV’s
· Limited company registration forms
· Photos of the proposed business development – if setting-up outside
· Supplier’s brochures
· Sample price list and menus
· Designs for logo, letterheads and business cards
· Copy of primary research questionnaire
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